Latest Peer-Reviewed Publications
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peer reviews publications below
Jean-Louis Pépin, Sébastien Baillieul, Sébastien Bailly, Renaud Tamisier
Frédéric Gagnadoux a b, Emilie Bequignon c d e, Arnaud Prigent f, Jean-Arthur Micoulaud-Franchi g h, Juliette Chambe i j, Joëlle Texereau k l, Sarah Alami l, Frédéric Roche m n
Each Sleep Apnoea phenotype requires a different PAP therapy care pathway based on differing health issues and treatment objectives.
Jean-Louis P´ epin Matthieu Warde a,b,* a,b , Alan R. Schwartz , Van Ngo a,b c,d , Rami Khayat , Sebastien Baillieul a,b e , Robin Germany , Sebastien Bailly f,g a,b,1 Renaud Tamisier a a,b,1
Findings imply that not differentiating between central and obstructive hypopneas will under estimate the severity of central sleep disordered breathing abnormalities that mislead therapeutic decisions and might limit improvements in quality of life and sleepiness that are expected in appropriately treated patients with CSA
Sulaiman S. Alsaif, Julia L. Kelly, Stuart Little, Hilary Pinnock, Mary J. Morrell, Michael I. Polkey, Phyllis Murphie
What is the effectiveness of virtual consultations compared to in-person consultations for the management of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy in adult patients with OSAHS?
Using recorded video instructions would save healthcare personnel time and improve access to OSA diagnostics for patients in remote areas. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of HSAT recordings when using in-person and video hookup instructions in a randomised study.
We should view TM as a tool to aid healthcare professionals in managing their patients with respiratory diseases rather than as a stand-alone substitute to traditional medical care.
In this document, look back at how the sleep medicine community adapted to challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Franceschini et al 2022 Sleep Science
A challenging task to find a balance in the doctor-patient virtual relationship.
This review summarises the available studies on the physiological phenotypes of upper airway response to obstruction during sleep, and the clinical presentations of OSA (phenotypes and clusters) with a special focus on our changing attitudes towards approaches to treatment. Such major efforts are likely to change and expand treatment options for OSA beyond the most common current choices (i.e. CPAP, mandibular advancement devices, positional treatment, lifestyle changes or upper airway surgery). More importantly, treatment for OSA may become more effective, being tailored to each patient’s need.
Siriwardhana et al 2020, Paediatr Respir Rev
The concept of personalised medicine is likely to revolutionise the treatment of adult obstructive sleep apnoea as a result of recent advances in the understanding of disease heterogeneity by identifying clinical phenotypes, pathophysiological endotypes, biomarkers, and treatable traits. Children with the condition show a similar level of heterogeneity and paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea would also benefit from a more targeted approach to diagnosis and management.
Sutherland et al 2018 Multidiscip Respir Med
Tools to elucidate individual anatomical and pathophysiological phenotypes in clinical practice are receiving attention. Additionally, recognising patient preferences, treatment enhancement strategies and broader assessment of treatment effectiveness are part of tailoring therapy at the individual level.
Randeraph 2022 _JCSM
Integrating precision sleep medicine into daily routine advocating for individualised and specific rather than simplified and general approaches.
Jean-Benoit Martinot, Nhat-Nam Le-Dong, Atul Malhotra, Jean-Louis Pépin
The proportion of sleep time spent with increased RE automatically derived from MJM was identified as a potential new reliable metric to predict prevalent hypertension in patients with OSA.
In-person vs video hookup instructions: a comparison of home sleep apnea testing quality
This study found no difference in-home sleep apnea test recording quality between the 2 groups. Video hookup instructions are therefore viable and an important step toward a telemedicine-based way of diagnosing OSA.